At Straydog, we’re often contacted by potential clients about designing a new logo for their business. Sometimes, these businesses are start-ups with a small budget, on other occasions, they’re small existing businesses with an existing logo, and other brand assets, and at other times, they’re larger operations that have been in business for years or even decades. So what is the best approach for each of these scenarios?
If an existing business is looking for a “re-brand” is it appropriate to simply go through a logo re-design effort? In almost ALL cases, the answer to this is a resounding question is NO! Existing businesses, that have been doing business with their current brand identity (logo, colour palette, font, brand positioning, tone, messaging, sales and marketing collateral, website etc). would currently have so much invested in their current brand that making anything more than a slight tweak to their logo, would be more or a re-branding exercise, requiring time, strategy, executive support and a sufficient budget to undertake the full re-branding project.
Imagine if an long-time business simply changed their logo and colour scheme! Was the decision and it’s implications fully understood, would the marketplace and their customers expect or want it or support it without explanation as to the WHY? Many companies do re-brand, but this decision is not taken lightly, it’s done for many reasons: the company has changed focus or services, the marketplace has changed, the competition has changed, the company has been bought or sold, or the existing brand was old and tired. These are all reasons to go through a full branding exercise.
For more information on our branding process and what a brand is, read these resources:
But for some very small business or start-ups, that have a very limited budget and very little marketplace exposure and brand awareness, a more simple, cost-effective logo re-design might just be the best solution. These projects can be completed in a week or two, often for under $1,500. Our logo (re)-design projects can also deliver other “brand” assets, such as:
- Email signature
- Envelope
- Letterhead
- Other business templates
- Assets for Social media account profiles
- Sales and Marketing collateral
- Trade show material
- Vehicle Wraps
- Websites
All of the above would need to be quoted separately.