Brand Naming in Vancouver
Your name says it all.
From our Vancouver Brand naming studio, we understand that you only get one chance to make a first impression. A great name can make that great first impression and help open doors. When you’re investing a lot of time and money into your new company or product, into a market with a lot of competition, the stakes are high. Choosing the right name is critical to your success.
Naming your business, and deciding on the perfect name is one of the most difficult things to accomplish. Far more nerve racking than deciding on your location or price strategy because it’s permanent…at least it should be. On top of that, your name must be unique, and stand out amongst your competition. Check out this post for more information on Naming strategies.
Now you have your “perfect name” and can’t wait to tell the world — but wait, is your name taken or trademarked? Is someone else using the URL you so desire? These are all things you must consider when choosing your name in order to save yourself tears later when you are forced to change your name because of legal issues.
The good news is there are a few resources where you can do a lot of the up-front research. Straydog can assist you in developing and searching your brand name, additionally if you wish to incorporate your company you should seek the advise of a lawyer as well. There are numerous lawyers that specialize in trademarking because once you’ve established a potential brand name, you’ll want to protect it.
You may consider seeking our professional advise when choosing your brand name, as there are a lot of rules at play, and they’re not always crystal clear.