Website Hosting Kelowna
Website Hosting Kelowna
Not all Kelowna website hosting is the same. Price is just part of the equation, but it shouldn’t be your #1 concern. There are many factors that should be considered above pricing when choosing a hosting provider and hosting package. Speed, reliability, features, support, and security are paramount when choosing the right Kelowna hosting provider and plan.
Over the past 8 years, at our Straydog Kelowna Website Hosting company, we have chosen to refer all of our clients to just 1 hosting provider: WPEngine. WHY?
Because WPEngine has proven to be the most reliable, secure, and best-performing web hosting in Kelowna provider that we have found.
Other providers may seem cheaper, however, as soon as you encounter issues related to hosting that affect your website, this can be extremely costly to your business, far outweighing any nominal savings you may think you gained by choosing a cheaper hosting provider and plan. These costs far outweigh any nominal savings you may think you gained by choosing a cheaper Kelowna hosting provider and plan.
On top of this, there is the tendency for website owners to call their website developer when their site encounters errors related to hosting…thinking it’s a development issue, when the majority of the time, it has nothing to do with the website code, but rather it’s most always a problem that originates on the hosting server due to not choosing reliable hosting in Kelowna. And as soon as you call your developer, you’re also likely to be billed for their time.
So save yourself business interruptions and costs by choosing a reliable and responsive hosting services in Kelowna provider. This will not only save you money in the short and long term but also save us from having to bill you for something we are not responsible for.
Our Kelowna website hosting plans start at:
- The Start-Up Plan: A Managed WordPress site on a shared server: Starting at $49CAD/Month (Maintenance retainer Program required)
- WordPress Managed hosting on our Straydog Private/dedicated server, starts at $79/month
- An E-Commerce site on a shared server: $85 CAD/Month
- Advanced Solutions on a dedicated Server: Starting at $300 CAD/Month
Take advantage of our preferential hosting rates with WPEngine
Get 2 months FREE Hosting with every 12-month plan