Brand Management through document creation
So now that you’ve had your new brand created and launched, it’s very important that both your external and all of your internal documents, reports and marketing material are on brand! What do I mean by “on-brand”? Well, they must conform to the image and identity of the company. They must also reflect the tone and personality of the company and the brand. Having a well developed Brand Standards Manual or Brand Guidelines will help, but your employees must also follow these standards. We encounter many clients that either don’t have a brand manual, or if they do, they don’t use it, or don’t understand how to use it and they then end up creating so many one-offs designs, so that over time, their marketing assets are one big dog’s breakfast.
Your brand is all you have, so manage it, honour it and leverage it in all that you do. This commitment to brand consistency can be supported by the notion that the typical consumer requires at least seventeen impressions of a brand before considering a purchase. Brand managers therefore must subscribe to the theory that it’s critical for the brand impressions to be consistent and clear. The risk is that the brand will require more communication investment because prospective consumers may confuse association.
We also get many requests from clients to help then design a new “template”. This may be for an internal or external communication document using Word or Powerpoint or Excel, or it could be a White paper, or a pitch sheet or a sales order form. Whatever the case, having us design 1 template is easily done, but it’s far more cost effective to have us help you understand the big picture needs, and then have us design master templates that support and satisfy all of your needs.
No matter what type of document you need, your final output must look polished and professional to create the right impression and impact.
Adding an array of formatting options, such as branding colours, headers, footers, page numbering, tables, multi-levels of bullets and numbering, cover pages, inserting images and graphics, proper use of headings and table of contents, can be a daunting and time-consuming task and best left to the experts. This is where we can help!
And then once you’ve finished with your documents and files, how and where do you store them?
We can help here as well as we have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with a solution to your file management challenges.
So, from design, to brand management, to the creation and file management of of all your documents, we can make your life easier.
Get in touch and find out how we can help.